Monday 16 May 2011

My Daughter has "Kuja Dosha" Hooooooooooooo…………..(Indian Edition)

Once a man asked God "What is death?", He replied "Experience it by dieing". The man asked the next question "What is birth?", God replied, "Experience it by taking birth". The man asked the next question "Hey God what is life?", God replied, "You experience it by living". The man got angry and shouted at God, if everything need to be experienced by me then what is the use of You? God replied to the man with a smile "That experience is me". When we share our experience, we have started the journey of a thousand miles with the first step. We have taken the initiative to make this world more livable and much more wonderful. We have taken the step to make human beings understand what we could do and could not do. More than that, confine the younger generation from doing the mistakes what their predecessors did. We can correct ourselves by looking up people who had done mistakes in their life and not to repeat in our life to make us successful human beings. Let me share little bit of my experience….

I am writing this article as I have been told by a Lady who has "Kuja Dosha" or "Manglik Dosha" or "Mars Dosha" that is the reason her marriage was getting delayed. Anybody look into her horoscope would never agree with her statement. I got confused why she told me and where she got that information from. Anyway, let her belief save her in all ways. May be a bit of Information about my friend will help you such believers and parents of such believers. My friend's name is Kuja or Mars. His radiation is so powerful and act upon all human beings. Since he does not know the separation human beings have created in terms of Religion, Caste, Subcaste etc etc etc , he showers his radiation equally upon us. However, the radiation we absorb is based on the conditionals. My Friend symbolizes immense courage, aggression, vitality, confidence and warrior qualities. Basically he is a fiery planet. For most of the parents, when their son or daughter reaches the marriage time, my friend is a nightmare and they blame my friend because he by nature quarrelsome on even minor issues, combative and dominating in relationship, harsh speech, aggressive emotional nature, which may effect the career-front, with frequent changes in profession, a lot of energy; differences with family members, early death of the mate, financial losses, many enemies and repressed anger. There is not a problem in this world without solution. What would we do, when the doctor says we have fever? Or we are suffering from Jaundice or we have chicken pox. Doctor has done his part of diagnose and prescribe as to do certain precautions in food and daily chores with the medications. The same should be done when we have been diagnosed that we have Kuja Dosha. If one understood he or she has the above thrust from Mars radiation, we should spend some time, using our discriminative and analytical skill to understand which all situation we will get excited or create a situation to squabble with our opposite sex. Even when we are not able to understand this, get guidance from Parents/Teachers or Friends to understand and control it from early ages. Sometimes, every things seems to perfect, since it is like a silent river however deep down there would be a turbulent current. Though we may be good with others, however when it comes to marriage life, this started acting upon us. We should understand,is there any point of time, when we deal with opposite sex, we are getting the qualities of Mars. His radiation is so powerful that, knowingly/unknowingly we may use sharp words. Sometimes, Kuja Dosha remain silent and do nothing and then on the contrary it can form a Yoga. So the next time you are afraid of Kuja Dosha , don't bother too much. Then the question comes, what should be done for the early death of the spouse which is one of the result of Kuja Dosha. Nothing…..Nothing at all. Keep your mind always pure. God will start residing one's body and soul and start walking in front of him/her and His duty is to remove all obstacles in front of such strong believers and give him/her a pleasant, happy and prosperous life. Be a strong believer in God(Mentioning more in the next article "Theist for you…."). In crux, Think, Speak and Do good. Good mean's: don’t do any harm which give other's life into difficult situation and start purifying one's own mind. Rest is with God. He will show the way how to take precautions and do the needful remedies time to time.

Human being should acquire lot of weapons of knowledge in the time of ups and use them in the time of downs. A person without any such weapon will be in confusion and dilemma what to do in the time of difficult situation. I know this is the worst article I have ever written. Excuse me Please……However, the message which is trying to communicate only matters.

Note: G's Other Blogs

Sunday 1 May 2011

Dear PAA.... and MAA....

After my death, I assume the world will continue to turn and the trail I leave behind may or may not continue past me. Perhaps loved ones will miss me. Perhaps my enemies will celebrate. I just hope my life will have contributed in a positive manner to this world. Eventually I will decompose and feed hungry maggots. At least, I will have served that purpose of life, that the people who care and love me should exist as shining Stars with its full brightness even on my absence. I hope blog is one such instrument to show the brightness of the people who loved me. This article is a dedication to all the Parents who care and love their children.

Once our teacher told us(Her name is Mrs. Annamma), if we love our parents more than they love us, then all the rivers in the world will flow in the reverse direction. That was all Greek and Latin for me then. Later, when I grew up I understood the meaning that "To understand our parent's love we must raise and feed children ourselves". And you know what is the shortcut to go to our young age, Have a child. The parenthood will be a concept till a baby is born. What inspired me to write this article is a recent incident I came across that, the parents who spend their whole life and sold all their properties for their only daughter's education, had been dejected by her at later stage of their life. Great Pain!!!! I feel like tearing my hearts away. Later, she wanted to go away from her parents as she considered them as a liability only to chase her dreams. In their dream they saw her. She was everywhere for them. They gave her decent education and to visit a decent school and to learn the basics of society and its behaviour. Further they taught her how to behave correctly when to approach a group of people. From them she learned how to respect others. They knew when she used to sit and get up. They knew every heart beat of her's. They knew how many hairs she had since they did their best to make her like them or even better than them. They picked her up from the beginning. They may not be perfect parents according to her since they must have said "I said So". However, they planned out every day of her life. They had given more than human and take care of her with all heart and soul. They wiped her tears in the time of need. They never stopped being good to her. For them she was an angel and more than treasure. They never want any "Thanks" from her. They just wanted her presence which would have make them in heaven. They must have felt proud even if she said how grateful she is to her Father and Mother for all those they did for her. A word to her mother, that how deliciously she cooked the food for her and how much pain her Father had taken to brought her up. All their pains would have been vanished just by those gestures and words.

I still remember a true Musalman's conversation with his friend, when I was having my Ice cream in a parlour which I used to had after my College time. His friend asked him what he would do when he came to know that he may die the next moment. Then this Musalman told he would call his parents and ask forgiveness for all the misdeed he did to them as well as his "GRATEFULNESS" towards them whatever they did for him and visit the people who he considered as his enemies and the people who considered he as their enemies and say "SORRY". Great Man!!!! That is what I think about him now. At that age I was not able to understand what he said. Now the words of mysterious are unraveling before me. May be God must have closed his mouth then to make me feel that He is fool than clearing all my doubts then. Let us learn from him that we will not wait till end to say our "GRATEFULNESS" and "SORRY" to our parents and our enemies respectively. After all, what is the use of giving our parents pictures in the "In Living Memories" column of a newspaper after they pass away from us, when we could some thing today more than tomorrow. Let us create this world a heaven by saying only good words. Let all human being LIVE IN PEACE AND HARMONY.

Note: G's Other Blogs