Saturday 12 November 2011

She Is Beautiful

Where did I start my journey? Where I am leading my journey? I have no idea. I asked the same questions to many. They answered me for the same according to the feat of association they belongs to conjoined with their believes they born and brought up. Some of them said: Life is like a cycle. That cycle has birth and death. I am one of the creatures trapped in that cycle . That cycle is infinite as incalculable and inconceivable.

When I have been entrapped in that infinity? When I will come out from that coon's age of birth and death? Who pulled me into those lifetime? Who will rescue me from that continuance? For those irksome inquisitveness, they replied in terms of Moksha and Nirvana.

Then my doubt was, Is it applicable to all living beings? They all retorted unanimously "YES". They continued, this life is perishable. What we see and feel here is all mental creation or imagination. It is Maya: a dillusion.

What all dreams and ambitions I had in each birth? What all forms I absorbed in those long journey. In what all life I had the combination of feeling like love, hatred, pain, memory, intuition as of a human being. I could not remember anything. Why should I think so much!!! I could put across the same to different creatures around me. I must have gone through the same feeling they are undergoing now. Somewhere in the past, I must have born as a Canine or Feline species. May be I must have born as a tree. I must have travelled the same path they are on now. So, I must have definitely, gone through those experience in the past. No sooner than later, those creatures also take birth in human forms. Is that I am abnormal? Is that I am a pshyco? Is that I am a lunatic? I am going mad. Really I am maniacal. I started murmuring and whispered like a daffy. I yelled I yelled I yelled. I cannot understand anything. Nothing at all.

Then, I heard a voice:"Do not thing what is beyond your mental capacity, if it is difficult for you. Think about only present or to the extend of this lifespan. Now you will only see to the extend I am prepared to comprehend. Otherwise expand your skill, knowledge and experience to touch both the horizons to comprehend those answers.

Who are you? I asked. I never heard your voice so far?

The voice replied, you never asked me questions, hence I was idle and not raised my voice. Mostly, you wanted only answers what you wanted to hear or experience. I have a suspicion that you have enough used me.

I redid the same question with , Who are you?

I was always with you .The voice continued. I was there in your happiness and sorrow. Everytime I had given you what you wanted to hear. Always I said you were right. Every single deed of your action, if right or wrong, I made you believe you were always right.

Oh coward!!! I shouted in anger, reveal who you are ? Why you are talking imperceptible way.

Your anger is also right. To make you feel that you are always right is my duty. That will give you impetus to live till your life end. Even I knew sometimes you were wrong, I said You were right.

In a self-composed manner, and tranquil voice , I inquested the Voice's identity.

The voice prompted, "I am Mind: Your Mind"

Ha Ha Ha… You are kidding. You You are my mind!!!

Yes I was always there with you and I am still with you. The voice you are hearing is your mind and the mind is yours.You do not miss me when you even grow older.

I appeared infront of you in the form of cleverness, creativity, determination, hope, perseverance and all in positive manifestation when you where in humble , modest and matured state.

I also appeared infront of you in the form of envy, jealous, greed, anger and all its negative manifestation when you were in "I" perspective.

I was really in awe. I felt the voice is enlightening me and is taking me to new realm, when I am in unselfish and inquisitive disposition.

Mind continued, when you are egotist or egoist or selfish and talk in humble voice which you were really not, I will convey the same to others through their mind.

Likewise, if you are really humble and good-hearted and on the contrary, you voice is of a rude man, in the long run, I will make that understand to others too.

I put a question to the Mind: Are you my friend or enemy? In an unpretentious and in an unassuming sound.

At present, I am your friend. I could understand your each nuance feeling. You cannot cheat me. You are asking me now in an unprententious and in an unassuming outlook.

When you renege your promise and dishonest to yourself or others, I become your enemy. When you are envious and jealous of your kith and kins or friends prosperity and happiness, I will make you feel your envy is right and perfect. I will make you degrade. I will make you what you are not. On the contrary, You friend will keep progressing since he made his mind his close friend knowingly or unknowingly. That is the cause for his fame and properity and happiness. His mind is under his authority.

I repented and regretted strongly for my mistakes

Mind continued: Now you are increasing your leverage on me through your good thoughts. You always train me with the fuel of good feelings so thoroughly that it sinks straight to me that all your feelings that comes along can settle on me. I will start working in that fashion. That will be reflected in each of your deeds and words. Let me be a thoroughfare for all thoughts, Not a select party. I will be your good friend. Now you are travelling in the right path. When you deplore you mistakes and lead a life in the right path, I am you real friend.

When you praise others in hypocracy just to make others under your credit, we become two.

On the contrary, with great sincerity and love and compassion when you approach people, we become one. I will pass you more and more such good thought which will make you in the path of prosperity. And thereby, I will bring you fame and happiness.

With all sincerity and trust without any hypocracy, I said
"She is Beautiful"

Mind with thousand of light's brightness looked at me with charming smile asked me "Who is that Beautiful"

I told "That beauty is you.You are my mind"

My mind started watching itself that of an intellectual and said "You should make me young not your face". When sun rays fall on dry leaves, it will not burn. However, when you put a lens on the path of those rays, it will concentrate on one point to burn the dry leaf. Similarly, let your benevolent thoughts pass through me and you realize the potency of me.

At that time I felt my mind with mighty youth and kindling her undazzled eyes as if the full midday beam.we become one and joy followed like a shadow that would never leave me. I found the answer in myself "Then, I will get answers to those question which drove me so wander and crazy. Since now I understand the facts. Let that understanding, light up my mind with thousands of Sun's luster. I will find beauty in everything."

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