Saturday 25 February 2012

Marriage is the ultimate climax of Love

Marriage is the ultimate climax of Love.

Two extreme character...
coming under one roof.

First Noise...
then Silence...
all is a temptation to become one.

We were in search from childhood...
the most beautiful.

And then, the most beautiful were...
flowers and butterflies.

To reach flowers in our hands, we picked out one of them... though not all.

To possess the butterfly, we caught one. And to retain...
we pulled off its wings.

When those most beautiful reached our hand...
we could not see its beauty.

Eventually, Eventually, things changed...

we relished beauty of flowers...
without picking out one.

Rejoiced the freedom of butterfly.

We started ...
silence has its own lessons to teach.

noise has its own rhythm and music.

Ultimately Marriage is the climax of Love.

A sequence of events...
take you to reach that climax.

And the most beautiful is ....
not Rose or Butterflies.

She She She...
who will join us is the most beautiful.

She is made in heaven,
and Unique in character...
who is made in the heart of GOD.

Because we are very very very special for HIM.

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