Sunday 17 April 2011

The Black Magician

Do you know Praful Kumar???? Even I don't know him too. I know this much that an ordinary labourer who work on daily wages from Bihar (that all information I have about him.), who extended his pen, when my heart was filled with writing this article "The Black Magician". Had he not extended his pen, this article would have gone just like any other thought of mine without materialising as an article. I feel like throwing all my certificate the moment I met this man. When the purport of education is to understand our fellowmen and show the compassion and empathise with them in need and sympathise their feelings and when he has all those qualities, then infront of him my certificates and degrees has no value because his experience has given him those qualities. Experience is a great teacher and the price of it is very very very high. In my heart full of him I am starting my article......

Once a man prayed to God "Please Please Please God let me win a lottery". He almost prayed for many years. At last God appeared infront of him and replied "Please Please Please my dear son take a ticket first" then God disappeared. Actually the story tells the importance of Pray/Thought/Dream and one's Action should go hand in hand. Then only one will get the nectar of one's action. Why we should discuss, this in an article where it is named "The Black Magician". Actually, why a Black Magician is very popular and people approach him is, what he does and what he think are concentrate on the same point. That is, what he thinks and his action are same. Why should not we do the same for the welfare of the world. There was family who used to pray, make their neighbour also rich as they were. They kept on praying and praying and praying for many years. There was not much improvement to the poor family. Good Thought!!! One day the kid told to his father give me 10 rupees everyday which I would go and give it to the family who is in poverty, everyday before our pray. That is why the say goes like this "The Child is the Father of Man". Good Deed!!! However, when the kid did it by action, the pray became even more powerful and there was an effect on the poor family. Whatever we think is just a thought, whatever we pray is just a prayer, whatever we dream is just a dream, unless it is put into action. When we make our thought process and action at a single point all the living beings will live in harmony, if the thought is good. Now the child has done Good Deed with their Good Prayer.

Also, there is one such incident happen with my previous company, Sasken Communication the day I relieved. Usually in company's the normal trend is after we have been relieved, they will not allow us to roam around inside the company. Sasken was on the otherway belief. The day I relieved, I had a heavy temperature of 103 degree and the same day night I had to leave to Kerala. I was bit confused and called Rohini L(She is still working as the HR) to get permission to take rest and she gave me freedom to go and sleep in the medical room and they had given me immediate medication and I slept there for hours just to come down my temperature. What must have made me to write this incident after these many years? That is the long standing impression she has given me on behalf of the company. She thought and did the same manner as an HR . Ultimately the employees represent the quality of the company. They don't have to care me since I was not an employee of the company anymore that moment. It was her single decision and as an HR what she thought and did was converged into a single point.

There are small such incidents happening around us which is going unnoticed. Let us all think and do good what a black magician do to harm others.

Note: G's Other Blogs