Monday 8 August 2011

Defamation: Is It Destined?

Everything in this world happens with perfect designed and in an organized way. There is a pattern at which everything happens around us. If we found out that pattern, that would make our life very smoother. This is true with DEFAMATION too. I am trying to delineate the way defamation acts on people in its own pattern. First let it be a fable of a dog: Ceasar which explains the way defamation patter acts on us and then the reasons for it.How to overcome the evil effect of defamation is upon the us once we know the reasons for the same.

Once a man happened to visit a home, where they had a pet named Ceasar. Everybody loved Ceasar because of its loyalty to its owner and the way it had been trained. As usual, Ceasar also kept its boundaries for strangers and will bark at them whoever crosses that. This man did not liked the way Ceasar barked at him and he got insulted and basically he did not have any attachment to pets. He talked with the householders his purpose of his visit and talked nicely and praised about their Ceasar more than anybody would do. Later he went out to the next shop and say about the dog behaviour as unusal. He also emphasized that he had seen many dogs and he himself has many dogs, however, he slandered that dog had the characteristics of a mad dog. Everybody did the way the stanger did and dog bark at them. Everybody confirmed the dog was mad and thought of killing him even though the householders could not protect it, since majority were against the Ceasar now. This is known as "Calling the dog mad and kicking it nicely till it die". As long as the Ceasar were to be nice, the stranger could not do any revenge on it. Better thing is make the dog mad and then do whatever he wanted. He succeeded in that. Actually the owner of the dog had trained the Ceasar in a particular way and only the stranger could understood and observed it and the Ceasar had been caught.

Usually defamation happens due to mainly three reasons. Primarly, the statement is the result of anger, jealousy, resentment, grudges, quarrels, ill-will or other conflict between us and the person making the statement. A Mangalore Girl who had been scoring good in academically and top in extracurricular activities had been cheated by her own friends and posted a morphed video of her in the network and spreaded like a wild fire and got defamed. This Defamation caused by Libel. She is all alone stuggling to come out of it. When we are doing a smooth sail in our life, these type of merciless incident takes its turn. There is another incident which happened with a priest in Bangalore, where people called him mad and after 35 years of his suffering the court verdict said, he was perfectly a normal person. This is caused by defamation due to slander. Another incident happened, where a teacher commited suicide just people spread rumours that there is an unethical relation between the teacher and the boy. Though that has been clarified by people at later stage that teacher was innocent , by then she was dead. There are many way defamation takes its turn, however the pattern is mostly of the pet Ceaser.

Secondly, self publishing a defamatory statements which the other person has told us to mend our actions. suppose your boss brings you into his or her office and informs you that you are no longer needed because he suspects that you are a drinker and he states that he does not regard you as competent in your work. Suppose further that your employer makes these comments only to your direct manager, and repeats these comments to no one outside the company. Suppose after your boss informs you of these "facts," you feel compelled to tell your fellow employees what has happened to you. After all, everyone wants to know. Under these circumstances the employee himself publishes the defamatory statements.

Thirdly, the relation between the supervisor and employee is not going well. Mostly, in such scenario, It may not be a direct statement. Such case, when the supervisor or the employer talk about such employee to other employees in the same company or to a prospective new employer a gestures, or tone of voice, or a raising of an eyebrow which could make a misreprentation. The listener make to believe something untruthful or misleading about the employee. This would have a longstanding derogartory remark on him and damage him totally.

We have education, knowledge, experience and wisdom. Still we do not know we have the right to protect our reputation much stronger than anything else. Defamation may be caused by a false attack of another’ss statement or action on our character or our self image created over a long period of time which may be verbally or non-verbally. This would cause hatred, contempt, disgrace upon us from the very society we live. Moreover, would cause an blackmark in our occupation too. When we reapeat a lie ten times , that is supposed to believe as truth and could not be found the original source of such slanders which makes the society believe we lack integrity, honesty, incompetence, or that we possess other reprehensible personal characteristics.

Though current mantra seems to be “If character is lost, nothing is lost; if wealth is lost everything is lost”; we should still believe the importance of our character and personality transcends any other measure of success of our existence. Here is the dictum we should strongly believe in and remember in our day to day life.

"If wealth is lost, nothing is lost. If health is lost, something is lost. But, if character is lost, everything is lost."

Note: G's Other Blogs

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