Wednesday 1 June 2011

Theists For You....(Indian Edition)

I did not know religion before I got a form. I was totally not responsible to born in a particular Religion, Cast or for that matter into a particular Culture .These are all man made for our own spiritual progress, however for the same we are making all the fuss about. Those who love God loves everybody. However, I am confidently say, It was totally my choice to select my Mother and enter into the womb(How we enter into the womb is out of this article's scope.). In Crux, everybody chooses their Parents. Everything changes as the time pass by and we forgot the past. Since all religion lead to the ultimate truth, I am also in search of that truth . Through the research of last 10 years ,I went back to the childhood and started asking myself certain questions: Why I am different from others? Why I am thinking in the way, what others are not? I am writing an article which may help many to lead a happy life that I found out through my journey of life. I know this article is not every body's cup of tea and I do not know how many people would be beneficiaries of this.

I have seen people worshipping different deities and worship them in different mood. However, what so ever they do, end result is like drawing a picture in the water. Atlast , they ask, after all these prayers why is it happening to me. It is not the problem with the the diety we worship. Rather, the selection we made is wrong to achieve a particular result. What wouldl happen a teetotaler going around for a long term with the guy just opposite in character? There is always a temptation which the teetotaler may loose his character. Similarly , the same would happen with the deity we are in touch with for long term. We would get the character of that deity who we are in associate with(Basic nature of human being is they are full of spirit). Many of us must have noticed, people worshipping the deities who is in Brahmachari form when they are leading married life. We could guss what would happen? He/She will frequently squabbles with their spouse. More often, there is a tendency in him/her to go in spirituality. A Man/Lady who is leading married life disrupt their life by these small mistakes. Totally we are unbalanced without knowing which diety should be prayed at what age. What would happen if a man worship form of Goddess who is Virgin. We may see such guys frequently get loose control of family life.

There are three things on which Hindu religion is based on(I am not a religious man. Rather I am Spiritual.); Vaishnavam(People who totally worshippers of Vishnu), Saivam(People who totally worshippers of Shiva), Sakteyam(People who totally worshippers of Goddess Durga or Badrakali. She is enlivening feminine force). If one worship Goddess, the result is much much faster and you must be purified from all your past bad karma fast..If one Worship Shiva, again the result is fast but not as fast in the former case. If one worship Vishu, the result must be always slow, through experience He would teach us and at the end He bless us with everything. As soon as a baby is born till the age of 12, it is better to choose Goddess(it may be Durga or Kali). Through which he would be nullified from the past bad Karmas. Next stage from 12 till the age of 22, it is better to Worship Vishnu with Goddess (in mild form. Not Kali form). This combination must give more spiritual strength, which should be attained within the age of 22. Mostly, this is the time we need lot of concentration for any activity we are involved in. After the age of 22 we should concentrate in the form of Shiva with Parvathi. And we know the reason. This would be the time most of them looking for a partner. The combination of Shiva and Parvathi would be a best option for for Love and Long Lasting marriage life. More than that, this must be the age people looking for career growth and become more ambitious in all the ways. People may worship any other deities along with the above said. However, make sure not to worship any Bramachari or Virgin form of deity in the married life. One should worship Kali only, other that childhood, when we are disturbed by lot of enemies and as soon as the time is over just disconnect the association with Kali or any ferocious form in that sense. It is not that we should not go to Kali temple. One thing is she is in Kumari or Kannyaka or Virgin. This will disrupt family life. Another thing is if we worship such types of aggressive forms, they will create enemies and then destroy it. What will happen if it keeps on going. Totally unrestful and unhappy life. And finally, in our retirement life, we may choose which ever the form we like. This is considered to be the second childhood.

Every religion is pious and for the welfare of human beings. When the same religion create chaos in our life, then we look for remedy or somebody should share their experience to overcome that. I heard the following quote somewhere

"For want of a nail the shoe was lost
For want of a shoe the horse was lost and
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
Being overtaken and slain by the enemy, all for want of care about a horse-shoe nail."

If the message is not delivered properly, then, I would accept I am totally failed.

Note: G's Other Blogs

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