Sunday 12 June 2011

Breathe Breathe Breathe …..Mantras

I thought of Writing an article "My Chappal: Made In Kunnamkulam" this time. However, due to request from some blog readers, I have to write an article which is of the same line as that of the last article. So this time too… it is bit of spiritual touch. Excuse me!!!! Excuse me!!!! Excuse me!!!! if it is not relevant to you.

Sea Turtle emerges unto shore and lays her eggs in the sand during breeding season and return to the sea. She would not be around to see her babies hatch. However, it do think about its eggs when it would hatch always in remembrance. As soon as the baby turtles comes out of the eggs, it would scramble immediately to sea for the safety of the sea. Similarly, we should always remember God, along with our daily chore as the Sea Turtle's remembrance of eggs. People may say it is difficult or impossible. There is nothing wrting here which I have not practised. Is that ten minutes prayer or pranayama is enough for that long term association with Him. You may be right !!!!! Human beings always shows a tendency to go to the place where he comes(That is called Salvation) and he always in search of that absolute truth like the sea turtle's return to sea or the baby turtles natural inclination to go to sea as soon as it comes out from the broken eggs. That is the state of human being. We are spiritual. If we disconnected from our original source (His Kingdom) then we are a big Zero. Just by remembering Him there is a one added before Zero and that becomes a value. Now, just by that, our most wishes must be fulfilled. Sometimes, even before we make our wish, it may get fulfilled. In the last article, I mentioned about long term association with Him. This article is all about how to establish communication with God through breathe and it is a different approach through which effect of Mantras could be magnified which I have been practising for long time.

God is all around us, all the time, in the very air we breathe. When the breathe wanders the mind also is unsteady. But when the breathe is calmed the mind too will be still, and the human beings achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breathe. In addition to chanting mantras, we should learn how to take it through breathe too. This would act as a catalyst to the mantras. When we do this, we would always be in touch with Him and we would feel he is not far.

There are multitudes of mantras freely available around us some of them must have a side reaction on us. That is the reason, we should always try these experiments with Swatik mantras(Swatik Mantras are which gives Peace and Harmony which also fulfill all our wishes in long term) which will not have any side effect and mostly people chant this mantras. There are certain Bija's which will be added to the above Mantras to increase the power of mantra like: Aim, Gam, Kleem, Hreem, Saum. Not all Beejas would go along with the above said Mantras. We should not spare any free time other than controlling our breathe. I do this while travelling and sleeping and walking. People sometime think I am sleeping . Breathing is the greatest pleasure I ever had. Breath is my spirit and I am getting the feeling of PRESENT through Breathing which is only I thing I am sure about. There is not a mantra I have missed to experiment through my breathing other than some mantras which may cause difficulties for my own existence and for my predecessors or to the next generation. Just experiment by any of the Swatik mantra while inhale and exhale we will get immense pleasure. We may use any Mantra as we wish as our religion says . However, make sure it should be of Swatik Mantras. There are only two restrictions while remembering through breathe, Eat Well and Sleep Well. God is not bothered about how many Agarbathi's we offered him or how many times ceremonial bells has been sounded or how many time we chant mantra or how many times we have been to temple. He is utmost bothered about how much we have taken initiation and commitment to clean our heart so that He may reside in our heart. In totality, He touch our heart and reside. It is better to accustomed to Swatik Food(Purely Vegetarian) to get fast result of this "Breathe Breathe Breathe …..Mantras" . Everybody is Vegetarian in one way or the other. Some people unconsciously put chicken leg into it. Some consciously would not put chicken leg into it. We are talking about latter type of food habit, who consciously would not put any such thing into vegetables.

Below is the quote from Nicephorus the Solitary

" You know that our breathing is the inhaling and exhaling of air. The organ that serves for this is the lungs that lie round the heart, so that the air passing through them thereby envelops the heart. Thus breathing is a natural way to the heart. And so, having collected your mind within you, lead it into the channel of breathing through which air reaches the heart and, together with this inhaled air, force your mind to descend into the heart and to remain there."

May all the worlds be happy. May all the beings be happy.
May none suffer from grief or sorrow. May peace be to all.

Note: G's Other Blogs

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