Saturday 5 March 2011

Elephants Are In Love With Me

We have no idea why sometimes elephant chases us when they see us. This happened quite often in my life and I tried to believe myself they are in love with me. Ultimately, that was the only hope left for me, other than that no logical reasons. Think Positive! Think Positive! Even after they disturb me with their love, even after they chase me to hug, I have no hard feelings, and after all they are elephants. However, I noticed every time I’m being chased my running speed has tremendously improving than the previous one. This is one such chasing incident…

One unfortunate midnight four of us were travelling through a forest in a Jeep. It was basically return journey from a top hill and the whole area covered with mist and could drive the vehicle only at low speed. The travel through the forest will take 3 to 4 hours and knowing the danger hidden in the travel made it a nightmare. We have seen only one Vehicle in the whole journey till then that too was on the way to top hill and were carrying some vegetables. Other thing about people who travel in this road, for them we cannot give way for another vehicle coming from the opposite side and either of the vehicles has to go back kilometers to give way for the other. The experiences the fellow men sharing each other increases each other’s curiosity mean while we didn't want to experience any such thing in our journey, since the journey was very dangerous. Somewhere in the middle, my sleep conquered my anxiety.

I heard lot of screaming and shouting around me, I did not care it much, since sometimes it might have been a dream. But I could sense that the vehicle is not carrying me forward: the vehicle is going as fast as reverse as it could. I immediately got up half asleep. I saw in Fog Lamp something very huge coming against us, but still not clear what it was. May be that night and place was a rendezvous of darkness and mist. Then I heard from shouting it is wild elephant not in group but a single one. Usually single one is much dangerous than a herd. It would do rampant destruction anything on its way mercilessly. We were all sure how much far we could go back as it is moving faster than the vehicle. At last vehicle come to an end by striking its footstep against a stone which is high as the back door and that was the mercy of nature otherwise vehicle would have carried us to the rock bottom. We all ran in same direction back ward without even looking back and each one thought everybody was on their foot since elephant is chasing us. You could imagine how far we could run in that cold darkness when you could not see the path you were running aimlessly. It seems I was at the farthest distance and felt I lost all others. Then I turn back, I could see the elephant was not chasing me. Who he was chasing then? And I could see the jeep light and engine is on. There is a man near the elephant and I don't know what he was doing there under the aegis of jeep when elephant is behaving wildly and making sound to invite other elephants to the situation and continuously searching for its next destruction it could do with its trunk, even if the man near to it. Where are others? I asked myself. Then there is a reply of one the fellow man in low trembling voice from right side. Only through the sound we could recognize how far we were at each other. Then from left side I heard the same reply of the one who left with. We strongly believed that we were trembling because of the Cold. I asked others what the Man near the Elephant was doing, then the person who drove the vehicle back talk that He asked me not to switch of the engine and light what ever happened to us and whatever the situation was. We could see he is changing the position frequently somewhere in and around the vehicle and the Elephant is trying to recognize his position through its trunk and he is giving us some signal, waving hands backward as it was sure for him we ran backwards. It continued its trumpeting roar and started shaking the vehicle. We came to know that, it is taking the next step. We shouted telling the man near the Elephant, run…run…run… Now He went to a different position which is safe for him again hiding near to it and taking the cover of jeep. After it gives us a fearful and dreaded experience, it left as if it could not succeed. It was definitely not in the forward position; it was through its right side. Immediately the huge shouting came to us as a command, "GET INTO THE JEEP EVERYONE". We all ran faster than we did early and got into the jeep and moved the vehicle as the highest speed without taking into consideration the road condition till we felt we were safe. Now we asked many questions to the BRAVE? Why you said not to switch of the engine and light? Why you did not run like us when you saw the elephant. We came to know from his answer that since we did not switch off the light and engine all including the vehicle were safe and hadn’t he run like others, then definitely one of us would not have been alive since it did not want to destroy all of us. It is nondiscriminatory. Since the BRAVE could divert the attention of that nondiscriminatory to discriminative, then rest were safe. Then everybody said in loud voice "Your Father is a Hero". Yes, definitely He is my Hero. Now also, if somebody gives me a list of 1000 Heroes from history even after giving great description about each personality, I will say, “MY HERO IS NOT IN THE LIST". He is the one who saved every one of our life just by taking His life into risk. He is the BRAVE man who took proper decision at proper time with lot of his experience into it. I hope for every man in the world, the greatest hero is there father. I too have my reasons to claim that. This is the reason I would like to write in all my communication “Regards G” and would like to be called “G” .That “G” is the First letter of My Hero’s name. How else I should show my gratitude towards him other than these small gestures.

We still talk this incident when we see elephants and may be a good time pass talk and laugh loudly. But we pray that this experience should not happen to anybody, which is the experience that dreadful night gave us.

Note: This is a real incident.
Note: G's Other Blogs

1 comment:

  1. gave me a real experience while reading,, nice blog,
    keep go an keep update
