Monday 14 March 2011

An Ant In The Jam

I still remember with great awe, the story of a man who is quite new to Japan and its magestic Culture. He went there for his livelihood. He carried his family with him. One day he happened to saw on his way back from his workplace that his house had been caught fire accidently and his wife and kids got trapped inside. How would he communicate to people that his house caught fire, he did not know the language and the language he knew, the natives could not understand. At last he went out and shouted loudly and ran here and there in panic. His mind got filled only with how to save his family. Finally he could found out a man to whom he communicated fu fu fu foooooo fu ho hoo.... with all his mime language. The other guy understood the man's house caught up fire and the stranger gathered some more helping hands and atlast set the fire off. The moment he saw the fire, he forgot his delimits and rather he gained his courage to save his family. Simple thought!!!! He never thought I did not know Japanese language, so let me go and learn first and gather the people. The story teaches us many lessons. Message should be communicated within our capacity with atmost urgency so others can understand its importance. This incident is one such communication. Basically human beings are simple in their nature. There is something down the line making all such complications.

When I met him he was about to enter a retirement life. Down the line converstion I came to know he is not everybody's cup of tea. But he spoke to me very intelligently and his knowledge about the subjects he learned during at any stage of his education remembered so crispy. I still remember how I passed my Hindi examination during my early education and still get up from my sleep as a nightmare shouting, Failed!!! Failed!!!. Sometimes, I saw Physics in the form of Tiger and Chemistry in the form of Snake chasing or hissing me. Then I do drink lot of water. Then I search all my certificate to confirm it was a dream. I bothered only how he behaved with me and even if he was not everybody's cup of tea. At first impression,he may not admit he is lovable in nature.May be his long journey in life gave him that impression. May be he must have been looking for a guy to speak openely as I must have won his confidence. He need to be respected. He started talking to me from his childhood to the present. His face was blossomed when talked to me about the achievements. Through out his education he got higher rank. He had a big circle of friends that we could not imagine. Approximately 140 villages he had influence during his education time. Supposed to be having a good helping nature. Then I thought he should be a high professional now. But the reality is that after all his achievements, he is struggling for his livelihood. Quite Contradiction!!! He continued and started smiling like an innocent kid: A true human spirit. Where he went wrong???? He told me when he was in a huge network of friendship he was in his heyday. However, he did not realise that he was entered into the Jam. When somebody wanted to snatch his popularity,he did know how to come out from that. There were many back stabbers. People came to him as if they were really helping him but only to make the wound more vulnerable.He continued his life story to me and gradually we became close. After all these strugglings, how he could smile like that? That was hauting me for some days. Then I came to realise that Life is full of comedy, however every moment of it is tragedy. He told me life is not always the same, it gives always unanticipated turns. There are many such incidents I heard in and around us. Some will come out from that Jam where ants enter to taste and some may die inside the same.

I heard it in one great person's speech that Human beings should be loved and the object should be used. However,now Human beings are being used: objects are being loved and cared. Hats off to our System!!!! I hope somebody will listen to people who make hi fu fu fu foooooo fu ho hoo.... and people will gather to set their fire off.

Note: G's Other Blogs

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