Wednesday 2 March 2011

A Perfect Developer in Perfect Life(EssssHHHHHHHHHHHHh DDDDOOOOOOOOOO)

One fine evening, one of my team mates(Mr Smart Guy) called me and showed me a sweet box and asked me to have as many I wanted to, which he bought from his home town. While having the same, I moved to other team mate as she wanted me. She asked me who has given this Laddu, I revealed the person and she got surprised, since she had the Laddu fromMr Smart Guy a week back and I confirmed the same from the Mr Smart Guy. Then Mr Smart Guy said he bought it from home a weeks back and first prefernce had given to his own team to test it and then passed to testing team a few sample of Laddus two days back. Quite Positive thought!!!! Quite Convincing!!!! Nothing could be done other than save my face from getting pale. I had no words to speak and finished the whole Laddu by then. Mr Smart Guy continued saying, as we do usually with the development, First we should check within our team if the code is stable, then move to testing team. Finally the end user enjoy the end result. Here you go Gentleman....You enjoyed the end result. I walked away as if I am convinced by his statement, and was not sure how many days I should take the sick leave.

Note:(EssssHHHHHHHHHHHHh DDDDOOOOOOOOOO) means whole lot of exaggeration has been made.

Note: G's Other Blogs

1 comment:

  1. He he he good one chetta!

    Ella incident um namale oronu padipikum, chindhipikum.......

