Monday 4 July 2011

My Chappal: Made In Kunnamkulam

One fine day, I had seen an advertisement in a newspaper:"Kunnamkulam Chappal For Sale: We have no branches. Reach Us at our direct outlet". They advertised the rare feature of the chappal was that there would not be any gravitational force acting on our body , so that we would always float in the air. I thought it would be a new experience and could fly with my GIRL on the sky. What a romantic scene that would be!!! All my hairs stood on its edge. I started day dreaming of all the possibilities of fun with my GIRL using thas chappal. So I also bought it …..

Some years back, I was enthusiastically wearing my Kunnamkulam Chappal and got into reservation coach of Indian Railway, just to come out at the same speed and got into that highly expensive ordinary compartment. I have been maintaining a very good and long relation with Indian Railway. Whenever , I reserve the ticket in sleeper coach or higher, I may have to travel in Ordinary Class. I would be practicing different yoga postures from the time I start my travel till reach the destination in this highly expensive coach. Do not ever think we will be able to practice Shava Asana(Relaxation Posture) through out the journey. As Soon as I enter the coach I would be doing Surya Namaskar to get the seat from person to person. Mostly, while sleeping I would be in Sarvanga Asana (The shoulder Stand) or Hala Asana (Plough Posture). By mistake, if I got seat in reservation coach, then there will be hundreds of problem. Then you may ask, “G, Do you always book your ticket?”. No Dude, I would do that whenever I have a tendency to do mistakes.

People in that compartment were wearing chappals Made In USA, Made In Japan, Made In Korea, Made In Singapore etc etc etc……However, I was the only one wearing Made In Kunnamkulam. I wanted to make them so jelousy, so I proudly march past showing my Kunnamkulam Chappal. People in this compartment, generally, to keep their chappal safe, keep them on the seat, if they are sitting on the top where the space is provided for luggage. That did not occur to me then, that would have made me what I was not. I put it somewhere down the seat before getting into the top. Because of my Kunnamkulam chappal, I got my Sarvanga Asana disturbed, and kept on wake up and see if my chappal was there down. Somewhere in the middle, I was in Hala Asana and by the time I reached the station in the morning, my chappal was missing. That was the first time, I had to walk without the chappal in the public and my aim was to somehow come out of the station. That was the first experience of the kind and I was so humiliated. I had to catch a taxi to reach the destination paying more than 1000 rupees.

I learned a few lessons from this travel:

1)If some beggar ask you money, give them, otherwise you may have to pay for it.

2)Behave according to situation. If you traveling in highly expensive ordinary class in Indian Railway, do the same thing what others are doing with their chappal. What majority says and do is always right.

However, the pathetic thing is, I still keep my chappal down the seat. I think luck will not favour the beggars always.

NOTE: This is just an exaggerated story.
Note: G's Other Blogs

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