Tuesday 19 July 2011

Vedehika You Have Been Exposed…...

A person sometimes happens to be very gentle, very humble, and very quiet as long as unpleasant things do not touch him. It is only when unpleasant things happen to a person that it is known whether he is truly gentle, humble, and quiet. And verily, people with gentleness, humbleness and very quiet, would always under test in every step of their life till the end of his/her life. Only people who are really strive and are steadfast would succeed these type of test. This would make, the person under the test a very strong and very very courageous if he has really those good qualities. Otherwise, whole his/her reputation would be spoiled and rumours spread across and we prove ourselves we do not deserve the respect. Here I would like to share one such unrighteousness which would spoil our whole life: ANGER, through the story of Vedehika followed by the effect of it in our day to day life .

Vedehika had a maid named Kali. She always wondered about the kindness, forgiveness and the piety of her mistress. One day she decided to test her mistress. She started going to work late purposefully. For a few days, vedehika said nothing, then, she lost her cool and exploded. Kali smiled inwardly. She had hit the targer. That was what she wanted to know. Vedehika does get angry. Her calm and forgiving nature was just an act. Kali apologized and promised that she would come on time in future. But she did not keep her promise. Kali continued late going. Now vedehika started rebuking her and using abusive language. It pleased Kali to see the ugly face of her mistress. She was not satisfied with it. She wanted to see the limit of the anger, of her mistress and to expose her before others. Her wish was fulfilled soon. One day, when she arrived late as usual, she found her mistress shaking with anger. Her face had become dark and ugly. The sight of Kali filled her with rage and hatred. Vedehika in a fit of anger, picked up a stick and began to beat Kali. The blows hurt Kali. Her head cracked and blood spurted out. She chased her with stick in her hand. Kali screamed and screamed where the crowd gathered. The people were shocked to see Vedehika in such ugly mood. Kali had succeeded in exposing the game of Vedehika. The opinion of the people at once changed. Now, for them. Vedehika was a short tempered, foulmouthed and quarrelsome shrew. Her beauty lost all the shine.

This story was told to Maulean Faggun by Buddha, When Faggun started teasing nuns with obvious intentions and speak abusive language. When Faggun became a bad publicity for Buddhism, Buddha corrected him with this story and Faggun became an ideal monk.

In our day to day life, people get angry in their workplace and rumours would spread as if it happened with Faggun, however there is no Buddha to correct them. Even, if another Buddha or any Spiritual Leaders comes, we have already digged a lot of ditches so that they would not be in a position to help us.Careful!!! Careful!!! Careful!! We have to help ourselves. There was an incident a few years ago, a Lady worked for a Newspaper behaved angrily with her boss and she had no options but to resign and nobody was ready to take her and later she shift the work place from South India to North India for the similar kind of Job. Everybody got the wrong impression of her. I know few incidents in other companies, where, they do a different approach to create a scenario to make a person very very angry to expose his/her ugly face. Later it may affect their jobs.

Everything happens in this world relatively: how the other object is relative to us, what is it in for me, is that I am a beneficiary. That is reflected in all our thoughts, words and actions in our day to day life. When we are upset by other people's words or actions, we will get angry. Angry people usually justify their anger, saying it's someone else's fault they are angry. When we give in to anger, we often focus on our own welfare, comfort or happiness. Instead, we should be primarily concerned about other people’s welfare and being a good witness for God.

Whenever I am angry, I am also terribly unhappy. Anger is an extremely painful state – perhaps the most painful of all human emotions. It can cause us to treat those we love with contempt. It can cause us to drive away those who love us. It can force us into an agonizing isolation. It can make us completely irrational and self-absorbed. At times, it can even make us believe that violence is justified.

When someone insults us or behaves violently towards us, we have to be intelligent enough to see that the person suffers from his own violence and anger. But we tend to forget. We think that we are the only one that suffers, and that the other person is our oppressor. This is enough to make anger arise, and to strengthen our desire to punish. We want to punish the other person because we suffer. Then, we have anger in us; we have violence in us, just as they do. When we see that our suffering and anger are no different from their suffering and anger, we will behave more compassionately. So understanding the other is understanding ourself, and understanding ourself is understanding the other person. Everything must begin within us.

Do we know the thing which most commonly brings people into Paradise? It is fear to God and good character. Do we know what most commonly brings people into hell? It is the two hollow things: the mouth and the private parts.

Note: G's Other Blogs

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