Monday 22 August 2011

From Appu Kuttan To "His Holiness A.P Kuttan" To "His Highness A.P.K(?)"

One Fine day we visited SkyWalk Chennai: a shopping mall. As soon we entered the mall, we noticed, a man seems to be a Sadhu(Sanyasi) with long beard and long hair wearing saffron color dress sitting at the entrance. He was prompting something now and then seems to be a “Akhanda Nama Japa”(chanting a mantra incessantly without break, day in and day out). For passers-by, he was an awe.My eyes focused on that man. I met him somewhere: my mind prompted. I tried to recollect the place and people I traveled and met from my childhood. "Eureka!" "Eureka!" "Eureka!" I knew that man, He is Appu Kuttan. It had been a long time I did not hear anything about him. I really got astonished the way he had changed and the luster comes from his face and his body. But how could the same Appu Kuttan changed that much was a mystery for me then. Long back, he showed me his profile while applying for a labour work. His Profile flashed over my mind then ....


Objective/Goal: To become the Prime Minister(PM) Of India.

Name: Appu Kuttan
Date Of Birth: 01/ Jan/1973
Educational Qualification: 4th Standard 4 times attempted and 5th time passed.
Hobbies: Appreciate and Praise Beautiful Things.
Morning 8-10 am---Available infront of Womens College
Evening 5-8 pm----In and around temples premises.
10am-5pm---Bus Stations.
Mobile Number: ********* Available anytime
Professional Qualification: Will have in the future.
Achievements: A large amount of Petty Cases in Police record.

I really got astonished with his Bio-Data. The Objective was irrelevant to the job he was applying for. He answered me, one should project oneself infront of the interviewer, more than that, if he desired to become PM then only he would get that Job(that was his ideology). Next , my eyes stopped at his educational qualification level. How he passed his 4th standard 5th time without attempting. Appu Kuttan, passed a confident smile on his face and as a proud man he said. While entered for the 5th time to write the examination, the teacher came to him and cried infront of him and requested in low and humble voice “My Dear Appu Kutta, kindly sign at respective places and follow me. This time you will pass”. Appu Kuttan as an obedient student followed teacher till the door step after signing all the places where teacher asked him to sign. After that , teacher told Appu Kuttan do not follow her and teacher went back. The teacher did not want to say “Get Out” to Appu Kuttan, who was a highly experienced and respectable and most senior person in 4th standard. But, the humble Appu Kuttan waited for teacher till the examination time got over. He met teacher after the examination time and she told Appu Kuttan, this time you would pass. But Please Please Please, do not enter school premises. Teacher also promised that If she had any doubt in 4th standard subjects , she would call Appu Kuttan. After that incident, somehow Appu Kuttan wanted to be engaged, so he started his ACTIVITIES as in his profile. Mean while Appu Kuttan improved his analytical and logic skills by counting number of Ladies/Women coming to temple. In the long run, he found that every year there was a drastic decrease in the number of Ladies coming to temple. Appu Kuttan lost his interest in his ACTIVITIES. But, he was curious to know, why there was a drastic decrease in the head count of Ladies to temples. After that he traveled most of the Indian States to find the reason for the same and meanwhile he found a guru to practice some Yoga lessons. When he found the reason that, most of the Ladies/Women were now visiting Shopping Mall instead of temples in the evenings, Appu Kuttan really got furious. They invited Appu Kuttan’s loathe. Appu Kuttan still thinks, these shopping malls made his activities to stop. He was leading a simple life at his home town to his best of punctuality. That was the reason for Appu Kuttan to be infront of SkyWalk.

I had seen he was making his stomach up and down, it seemed to be a yogic activities. Then he was crossing his legs behind the head. I thought loudly “well done !!! Appu Kuttan …You are the real hero ...teaching the world …how to survive with enthusiasm and energetic ...I am a big fan of You". I reached him with admiration and called loudly “Appu Kutta”. Do you remember me??? Appu Kuttan’s Face became so reddish and Pale. I did not know why his face became pale? Was that I knew about his Past or the Way I called his name in that open place. As an answer to my question, some foreigner came and touched his feet and revered him “ His Holiness” . I understood his position. I called him with great reverence “His Holiness A.P. Kuttan”. Whoever came after me called him as “His Holiness A.P.Kuttan”. Then, Appu Kuttan became proud of that name(Sorry His Holiness A.P Kuttan). He spend some time with me and told me he was on a fast to achieve something. I enquired him how long he had been on fast. He replied, it was the Tenth month. First he started his fasting with some Agendas, Then he realized, he could not continue his fasting without Air Conditioning(AC) since the climate was making him so dehydrated. After that, he fasted for the doors nearby he was sitting at Mall to open so that he would get AC. Then, he realized, he need some food and rest. So he made his fasting to agitate thousands so that, he would be arrested and put him in jail. When I met him, he had finished all those journey. Then , again he was back with all his agendas.

Agenda Number 1) Thousands of Ladies/Women who had been attracted my shopping mall should come back to Temples Premises at Evening times.

Agenda Number 2) If they were not willing, then all the shopping malls and cinemas should move to near to Temple Premises.

His agenda went like that as a long list of recipe. What I felt hearing all those is He was leading a Third Freedom Struggle, Since he wanted to save all men because, the expenses of men also increased drastically since thousands of Ladies/Women moved to visit Shopping Mall. Basically “His Holiness A.P Kuttan” is fighting for all those younger generation from degrading and holding them from brain drain.

When I was leaving him, I was caught in many thoughts about “His Holiness” future. At least I was sure he would get a seat in the nearby election and must become down the line the “Prime Minister Of India”. May be the day is not far to be called him “His Highness A.P.K(?) ”

Note: G's Other Blogs

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