Saturday 7 April 2012

My Wierd Thoughts

I love this world........
I do not have an answer
I want to embrace her
I do not have an answer
Why all white pigeons are flying around me?
Why all flowers seems to have fully blossomed?
Why all incense have smell I never experienced?
Why all angels are dancing around me?
I have no answer to any of these
Still Still Still....
I am sitting here and prompting
"The World is beautiful"
"The World is beautiful"
"The World is beautiful"

Saturday 25 February 2012

Marriage is the ultimate climax of Love

Marriage is the ultimate climax of Love.

Two extreme character...
coming under one roof.

First Noise...
then Silence...
all is a temptation to become one.

We were in search from childhood...
the most beautiful.

And then, the most beautiful were...
flowers and butterflies.

To reach flowers in our hands, we picked out one of them... though not all.

To possess the butterfly, we caught one. And to retain...
we pulled off its wings.

When those most beautiful reached our hand...
we could not see its beauty.

Eventually, Eventually, things changed...

we relished beauty of flowers...
without picking out one.

Rejoiced the freedom of butterfly.

We started ...
silence has its own lessons to teach.

noise has its own rhythm and music.

Ultimately Marriage is the climax of Love.

A sequence of events...
take you to reach that climax.

And the most beautiful is ....
not Rose or Butterflies.

She She She...
who will join us is the most beautiful.

She is made in heaven,
and Unique in character...
who is made in the heart of GOD.

Because we are very very very special for HIM.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Wolsan Ki Dong Kim

"The war had started on the same day as my 12th birthday. It was the most colourful period of anybody’s life, teenage. And it was lost to me, in suffering and helplessness. But, later, it became the source of my writing" is the word of a famous poet Wolsan Ki Dong kim.

Though he wrote 250 writings, none crack the recounts the war between North and South Korea. Though this war was in reality a proxy war between the USA and USSR. He became homeless and had to look after his family of widows and orphans who no longer had a roof over their heads. He lost his eleven family members in the aftermath leaving behind nine.Before he crossed his teens, he was chained to bonded labour for seven years to a wealthy household in the village, for had borrowed rice from them to feed his homeless family.

Wolsan mountain in South Korea is at the core of all his poetry. As a child he used to climb the mountain everyday where he dreamt about his future and nurtured his hopes.

He has been adopted the pen name as Wolsan. His poetry is like a shadow of the grief-stricken childhood. The mountain of grief is much like a cold, misty hillock. But it also promised the hope of a sunrise to a young poet.His writings - poetry and essays – bear the scars of a severed soul.

Saturday 12 November 2011

She Is Beautiful

Where did I start my journey? Where I am leading my journey? I have no idea. I asked the same questions to many. They answered me for the same according to the feat of association they belongs to conjoined with their believes they born and brought up. Some of them said: Life is like a cycle. That cycle has birth and death. I am one of the creatures trapped in that cycle . That cycle is infinite as incalculable and inconceivable.

When I have been entrapped in that infinity? When I will come out from that coon's age of birth and death? Who pulled me into those lifetime? Who will rescue me from that continuance? For those irksome inquisitveness, they replied in terms of Moksha and Nirvana.

Then my doubt was, Is it applicable to all living beings? They all retorted unanimously "YES". They continued, this life is perishable. What we see and feel here is all mental creation or imagination. It is Maya: a dillusion.

What all dreams and ambitions I had in each birth? What all forms I absorbed in those long journey. In what all life I had the combination of feeling like love, hatred, pain, memory, intuition as of a human being. I could not remember anything. Why should I think so much!!! I could put across the same to different creatures around me. I must have gone through the same feeling they are undergoing now. Somewhere in the past, I must have born as a Canine or Feline species. May be I must have born as a tree. I must have travelled the same path they are on now. So, I must have definitely, gone through those experience in the past. No sooner than later, those creatures also take birth in human forms. Is that I am abnormal? Is that I am a pshyco? Is that I am a lunatic? I am going mad. Really I am maniacal. I started murmuring and whispered like a daffy. I yelled I yelled I yelled. I cannot understand anything. Nothing at all.

Then, I heard a voice:"Do not thing what is beyond your mental capacity, if it is difficult for you. Think about only present or to the extend of this lifespan. Now you will only see to the extend I am prepared to comprehend. Otherwise expand your skill, knowledge and experience to touch both the horizons to comprehend those answers.

Who are you? I asked. I never heard your voice so far?

The voice replied, you never asked me questions, hence I was idle and not raised my voice. Mostly, you wanted only answers what you wanted to hear or experience. I have a suspicion that you have enough used me.

I redid the same question with , Who are you?

I was always with you .The voice continued. I was there in your happiness and sorrow. Everytime I had given you what you wanted to hear. Always I said you were right. Every single deed of your action, if right or wrong, I made you believe you were always right.

Oh coward!!! I shouted in anger, reveal who you are ? Why you are talking imperceptible way.

Your anger is also right. To make you feel that you are always right is my duty. That will give you impetus to live till your life end. Even I knew sometimes you were wrong, I said You were right.

In a self-composed manner, and tranquil voice , I inquested the Voice's identity.

The voice prompted, "I am Mind: Your Mind"

Ha Ha Ha… You are kidding. You You are my mind!!!

Yes I was always there with you and I am still with you. The voice you are hearing is your mind and the mind is yours.You do not miss me when you even grow older.

I appeared infront of you in the form of cleverness, creativity, determination, hope, perseverance and all in positive manifestation when you where in humble , modest and matured state.

I also appeared infront of you in the form of envy, jealous, greed, anger and all its negative manifestation when you were in "I" perspective.

I was really in awe. I felt the voice is enlightening me and is taking me to new realm, when I am in unselfish and inquisitive disposition.

Mind continued, when you are egotist or egoist or selfish and talk in humble voice which you were really not, I will convey the same to others through their mind.

Likewise, if you are really humble and good-hearted and on the contrary, you voice is of a rude man, in the long run, I will make that understand to others too.

I put a question to the Mind: Are you my friend or enemy? In an unpretentious and in an unassuming sound.

At present, I am your friend. I could understand your each nuance feeling. You cannot cheat me. You are asking me now in an unprententious and in an unassuming outlook.

When you renege your promise and dishonest to yourself or others, I become your enemy. When you are envious and jealous of your kith and kins or friends prosperity and happiness, I will make you feel your envy is right and perfect. I will make you degrade. I will make you what you are not. On the contrary, You friend will keep progressing since he made his mind his close friend knowingly or unknowingly. That is the cause for his fame and properity and happiness. His mind is under his authority.

I repented and regretted strongly for my mistakes

Mind continued: Now you are increasing your leverage on me through your good thoughts. You always train me with the fuel of good feelings so thoroughly that it sinks straight to me that all your feelings that comes along can settle on me. I will start working in that fashion. That will be reflected in each of your deeds and words. Let me be a thoroughfare for all thoughts, Not a select party. I will be your good friend. Now you are travelling in the right path. When you deplore you mistakes and lead a life in the right path, I am you real friend.

When you praise others in hypocracy just to make others under your credit, we become two.

On the contrary, with great sincerity and love and compassion when you approach people, we become one. I will pass you more and more such good thought which will make you in the path of prosperity. And thereby, I will bring you fame and happiness.

With all sincerity and trust without any hypocracy, I said
"She is Beautiful"

Mind with thousand of light's brightness looked at me with charming smile asked me "Who is that Beautiful"

I told "That beauty is you.You are my mind"

My mind started watching itself that of an intellectual and said "You should make me young not your face". When sun rays fall on dry leaves, it will not burn. However, when you put a lens on the path of those rays, it will concentrate on one point to burn the dry leaf. Similarly, let your benevolent thoughts pass through me and you realize the potency of me.

At that time I felt my mind with mighty youth and kindling her undazzled eyes as if the full midday beam.we become one and joy followed like a shadow that would never leave me. I found the answer in myself "Then, I will get answers to those question which drove me so wander and crazy. Since now I understand the facts. Let that understanding, light up my mind with thousands of Sun's luster. I will find beauty in everything."

Tuesday 13 September 2011

The Berlin Wall

"Chains do not hold a marriage together.
It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads,
which sew people together through the years." Simone Signoret 1921-1985

From the above quote, one thing is quite sure that this article is going to all about marriage. Yes, definitely!!!! But nothing like Love marriage Versus Arranged marriage or something of that sort. Now let me tell you something, I was about to finish another article to post this time. Immediately the "Berlin Wall" occured to me.

I met a woman rather I would say a respectable Mother who seemed happy with her daughter's marriage which they had been longing for quite sometimes. When I met her first time she told me her daughter's marriage had not been materialized even though they did receive may good alliances , rather, to be more specific, she was not willing to accept any of the proposals. They spent lot of money to do Poojas(Worship done to please God/Demi-Gods) and even reconstructed their house as per Vastu-Sastra(the technology which has a set of rules to construct buildings). Still, nothing went well as expected. As a joke, I asked her First question:"Is your daughter proud of herself?"Then I asked her Second question:"Do your daughter has any Apartment or Flat of her own?" I asked her third question:"Is that your daughter born and brought up at the same place?". For all those questions she said a big "YES".As a part of conversation, I told her, next time your daughter should be very constructive in her statement and should not have any pre-conceived notion of rejection. She should convey her ”supposed to be” how she wanted to lead her future life without any fear of rejection. I continued by requesting the mother to move her daughter to a different location and give the apartment for rent. I also added let her daughter decide after the marriage about the location she should settle down and about the apartment. Today when we met each other, she said her marriage happened. But she really perplexed the connection between marriage and apartment or location.I said let that be a secret. Anyway past is past!!! Even though, I said that, then, as a joke, when she told me the consequence of my statement, I really understood the gravity of the issue. This is not only happening with a man or woman. It is a reality which has been happening with men and women and after a long analysis I undergone. It may be the beginning of a new Era!!! It was not that she did not want to marry or the man who saw her droped out the proposal. Even after they had the permission of parents, she was not willing to marry anybody. Basically she created a "Berlin Wall" in this case. "Berlin Wall"!!!! G are you ok??? Yes. A psychological block. Sometimes it happen with men too "Creating Berlin Wall". Basically these type of incidents are quite common in India in recent times.

I heard it in one great person's speech that "Human Beings should be Loved and the Object should be Used".Paradoxically,now "Human Beings are being Used and Objects are being Loved and Cared". However, in recent times due to economic superiority, the definition of love has been changed. Due to the huge savings in terms of movable and immovable property, the definition of the best partner also has been changed. Above all, the priority has also been changed.

In the above incident, the reason for her marriage getting late was, she did not want to move from her flat or location, above all, for her, marriage was a second priority to what she possessed (her Proud,the Apartment/Location or whatever that matters). When the apartment had been given for the rent due to force of parents, her second priority became first. When it became her first priority, she started the mental preparation to get marry. Even though above is one such case study of "Creation of Berlin Wall". There are many psychological block which is creating "Berlin Wall". If you look into a lady/gentleman who is not marrying for long time this type of psychological block must have formed even in the minute forms. More than that, this lady though she is lovable, caring and affectionate she was proud and she could not bear the slightest rejection. It was her pre-emptive attack to protect her proud that she was postponting her marriage. She worth it more than anything. Some ladies take the next level of communication. Mostly, as soon as they smell something fishy, they do not go further. Sometime, we lack the knowledge and skills of how to communicate our feelings constructively. Some may feel, they do not want to hurt the opposite sex. She knew that she was not going to move out from her flat or place, instead of making a clear and constructive communication, she made a pre-conceived notion that she would get rejected.

Life is more beautiful than dreams if we know the art of living and the passion to make it more wonderful and delight everyday. Love is a gift which God has given to human being to make this life even more beautiful than dreams. So, the basic foundation to reach that mellow life is Love. This is the only one quality human beings are born with which is so natural in each molecule of our blood and cell. Rest all qualities have been accimilated through our life experience. One should be fortunate enough to be loved and to love others. However, in the long run of life, we loose the naturality of “The Art of Love” and we form our own blotted image which we acquired through education, knowledge and how much we earn. Any positive things has a dark side, we should diagnose at each stage of our life why we loose the natural tendency to love and care others. We should have practiced the patience, consideration, compassion, leniency and go, even, down to earth to keep that naturality of humanity and keep away envy, jealous, greed away.

"Marriage is the most wonderful of all things in life which is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty and joy as the years increase." Hugh Walpole

I like this famous quote, which highlights the purpose of marriage. Definitely, we are discovering another human being, when we marry. So, let us break that "Berlin Wall" and let there be no West and East Berlin in our relationship when it comes to marriage, since Walls are only Psychological Blocks.

Monday 22 August 2011

From Appu Kuttan To "His Holiness A.P Kuttan" To "His Highness A.P.K(?)"

One Fine day we visited SkyWalk Chennai: a shopping mall. As soon we entered the mall, we noticed, a man seems to be a Sadhu(Sanyasi) with long beard and long hair wearing saffron color dress sitting at the entrance. He was prompting something now and then seems to be a “Akhanda Nama Japa”(chanting a mantra incessantly without break, day in and day out). For passers-by, he was an awe.My eyes focused on that man. I met him somewhere: my mind prompted. I tried to recollect the place and people I traveled and met from my childhood. "Eureka!" "Eureka!" "Eureka!" I knew that man, He is Appu Kuttan. It had been a long time I did not hear anything about him. I really got astonished the way he had changed and the luster comes from his face and his body. But how could the same Appu Kuttan changed that much was a mystery for me then. Long back, he showed me his profile while applying for a labour work. His Profile flashed over my mind then ....


Objective/Goal: To become the Prime Minister(PM) Of India.

Name: Appu Kuttan
Date Of Birth: 01/ Jan/1973
Educational Qualification: 4th Standard 4 times attempted and 5th time passed.
Hobbies: Appreciate and Praise Beautiful Things.
Morning 8-10 am---Available infront of Womens College
Evening 5-8 pm----In and around temples premises.
10am-5pm---Bus Stations.
Mobile Number: ********* Available anytime
Professional Qualification: Will have in the future.
Achievements: A large amount of Petty Cases in Police record.

I really got astonished with his Bio-Data. The Objective was irrelevant to the job he was applying for. He answered me, one should project oneself infront of the interviewer, more than that, if he desired to become PM then only he would get that Job(that was his ideology). Next , my eyes stopped at his educational qualification level. How he passed his 4th standard 5th time without attempting. Appu Kuttan, passed a confident smile on his face and as a proud man he said. While entered for the 5th time to write the examination, the teacher came to him and cried infront of him and requested in low and humble voice “My Dear Appu Kutta, kindly sign at respective places and follow me. This time you will pass”. Appu Kuttan as an obedient student followed teacher till the door step after signing all the places where teacher asked him to sign. After that , teacher told Appu Kuttan do not follow her and teacher went back. The teacher did not want to say “Get Out” to Appu Kuttan, who was a highly experienced and respectable and most senior person in 4th standard. But, the humble Appu Kuttan waited for teacher till the examination time got over. He met teacher after the examination time and she told Appu Kuttan, this time you would pass. But Please Please Please, do not enter school premises. Teacher also promised that If she had any doubt in 4th standard subjects , she would call Appu Kuttan. After that incident, somehow Appu Kuttan wanted to be engaged, so he started his ACTIVITIES as in his profile. Mean while Appu Kuttan improved his analytical and logic skills by counting number of Ladies/Women coming to temple. In the long run, he found that every year there was a drastic decrease in the number of Ladies coming to temple. Appu Kuttan lost his interest in his ACTIVITIES. But, he was curious to know, why there was a drastic decrease in the head count of Ladies to temples. After that he traveled most of the Indian States to find the reason for the same and meanwhile he found a guru to practice some Yoga lessons. When he found the reason that, most of the Ladies/Women were now visiting Shopping Mall instead of temples in the evenings, Appu Kuttan really got furious. They invited Appu Kuttan’s loathe. Appu Kuttan still thinks, these shopping malls made his activities to stop. He was leading a simple life at his home town to his best of punctuality. That was the reason for Appu Kuttan to be infront of SkyWalk.

I had seen he was making his stomach up and down, it seemed to be a yogic activities. Then he was crossing his legs behind the head. I thought loudly “well done !!! Appu Kuttan …You are the real hero ...teaching the world …how to survive with enthusiasm and energetic ...I am a big fan of You". I reached him with admiration and called loudly “Appu Kutta”. Do you remember me??? Appu Kuttan’s Face became so reddish and Pale. I did not know why his face became pale? Was that I knew about his Past or the Way I called his name in that open place. As an answer to my question, some foreigner came and touched his feet and revered him “ His Holiness” . I understood his position. I called him with great reverence “His Holiness A.P. Kuttan”. Whoever came after me called him as “His Holiness A.P.Kuttan”. Then, Appu Kuttan became proud of that name(Sorry His Holiness A.P Kuttan). He spend some time with me and told me he was on a fast to achieve something. I enquired him how long he had been on fast. He replied, it was the Tenth month. First he started his fasting with some Agendas, Then he realized, he could not continue his fasting without Air Conditioning(AC) since the climate was making him so dehydrated. After that, he fasted for the doors nearby he was sitting at Mall to open so that he would get AC. Then, he realized, he need some food and rest. So he made his fasting to agitate thousands so that, he would be arrested and put him in jail. When I met him, he had finished all those journey. Then , again he was back with all his agendas.

Agenda Number 1) Thousands of Ladies/Women who had been attracted my shopping mall should come back to Temples Premises at Evening times.

Agenda Number 2) If they were not willing, then all the shopping malls and cinemas should move to near to Temple Premises.

His agenda went like that as a long list of recipe. What I felt hearing all those is He was leading a Third Freedom Struggle, Since he wanted to save all men because, the expenses of men also increased drastically since thousands of Ladies/Women moved to visit Shopping Mall. Basically “His Holiness A.P Kuttan” is fighting for all those younger generation from degrading and holding them from brain drain.

When I was leaving him, I was caught in many thoughts about “His Holiness” future. At least I was sure he would get a seat in the nearby election and must become down the line the “Prime Minister Of India”. May be the day is not far to be called him “His Highness A.P.K(?) ”

Note: G's Other Blogs

Monday 8 August 2011

Defamation: Is It Destined?

Everything in this world happens with perfect designed and in an organized way. There is a pattern at which everything happens around us. If we found out that pattern, that would make our life very smoother. This is true with DEFAMATION too. I am trying to delineate the way defamation acts on people in its own pattern. First let it be a fable of a dog: Ceasar which explains the way defamation patter acts on us and then the reasons for it.How to overcome the evil effect of defamation is upon the us once we know the reasons for the same.

Once a man happened to visit a home, where they had a pet named Ceasar. Everybody loved Ceasar because of its loyalty to its owner and the way it had been trained. As usual, Ceasar also kept its boundaries for strangers and will bark at them whoever crosses that. This man did not liked the way Ceasar barked at him and he got insulted and basically he did not have any attachment to pets. He talked with the householders his purpose of his visit and talked nicely and praised about their Ceasar more than anybody would do. Later he went out to the next shop and say about the dog behaviour as unusal. He also emphasized that he had seen many dogs and he himself has many dogs, however, he slandered that dog had the characteristics of a mad dog. Everybody did the way the stanger did and dog bark at them. Everybody confirmed the dog was mad and thought of killing him even though the householders could not protect it, since majority were against the Ceasar now. This is known as "Calling the dog mad and kicking it nicely till it die". As long as the Ceasar were to be nice, the stranger could not do any revenge on it. Better thing is make the dog mad and then do whatever he wanted. He succeeded in that. Actually the owner of the dog had trained the Ceasar in a particular way and only the stranger could understood and observed it and the Ceasar had been caught.

Usually defamation happens due to mainly three reasons. Primarly, the statement is the result of anger, jealousy, resentment, grudges, quarrels, ill-will or other conflict between us and the person making the statement. A Mangalore Girl who had been scoring good in academically and top in extracurricular activities had been cheated by her own friends and posted a morphed video of her in the network and spreaded like a wild fire and got defamed. This Defamation caused by Libel. She is all alone stuggling to come out of it. When we are doing a smooth sail in our life, these type of merciless incident takes its turn. There is another incident which happened with a priest in Bangalore, where people called him mad and after 35 years of his suffering the court verdict said, he was perfectly a normal person. This is caused by defamation due to slander. Another incident happened, where a teacher commited suicide just people spread rumours that there is an unethical relation between the teacher and the boy. Though that has been clarified by people at later stage that teacher was innocent , by then she was dead. There are many way defamation takes its turn, however the pattern is mostly of the pet Ceaser.

Secondly, self publishing a defamatory statements which the other person has told us to mend our actions. suppose your boss brings you into his or her office and informs you that you are no longer needed because he suspects that you are a drinker and he states that he does not regard you as competent in your work. Suppose further that your employer makes these comments only to your direct manager, and repeats these comments to no one outside the company. Suppose after your boss informs you of these "facts," you feel compelled to tell your fellow employees what has happened to you. After all, everyone wants to know. Under these circumstances the employee himself publishes the defamatory statements.

Thirdly, the relation between the supervisor and employee is not going well. Mostly, in such scenario, It may not be a direct statement. Such case, when the supervisor or the employer talk about such employee to other employees in the same company or to a prospective new employer a gestures, or tone of voice, or a raising of an eyebrow which could make a misreprentation. The listener make to believe something untruthful or misleading about the employee. This would have a longstanding derogartory remark on him and damage him totally.

We have education, knowledge, experience and wisdom. Still we do not know we have the right to protect our reputation much stronger than anything else. Defamation may be caused by a false attack of another’ss statement or action on our character or our self image created over a long period of time which may be verbally or non-verbally. This would cause hatred, contempt, disgrace upon us from the very society we live. Moreover, would cause an blackmark in our occupation too. When we reapeat a lie ten times , that is supposed to believe as truth and could not be found the original source of such slanders which makes the society believe we lack integrity, honesty, incompetence, or that we possess other reprehensible personal characteristics.

Though current mantra seems to be “If character is lost, nothing is lost; if wealth is lost everything is lost”; we should still believe the importance of our character and personality transcends any other measure of success of our existence. Here is the dictum we should strongly believe in and remember in our day to day life.

"If wealth is lost, nothing is lost. If health is lost, something is lost. But, if character is lost, everything is lost."

Note: G's Other Blogs